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Hello from Germany!
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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 13:55   #1
Fecha Registro: sep 2006
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icon Hello from Germany!

Hi to all!
Sorry, I don´t speak or write any spanish.
That´s why I write in german.
Hopefully you understand me.
I´m reading your great forum by using a translation site (babelfish)
Unfortunately I cannot log in to the site while I´m on babelfish, only if I look in original spanish mode. But thats not a big problem.

I´m living in Mainz near Frankfurt in Germany and I am owner of a 125 x-max in deep pacific blue. This is the best scooter I have ever driven! I really love it!
I own it since end of July and next week is receives the 1000km service.
The price in Germany is a bit higher as in spain, it seems. I have paid 3995 Euros including the hand protectors.

Since I drive this wonderful scooter I haven´t used my car any more!

Have fun with your xmaxes!

Best regards

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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 14:08   #2
Fecha Registro: abr 2006
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Para no equivocarme y ya que usas traductor escribo en español... espero que no te importe... icon_wink Entiendo ingles, pero escribir y hablar lo hago bastante mal.

Bienvenido al club, nos estamos volviendo internacionales!!

Aunque estés en Alemania supongo que disfrutarás de tu moto al igual de todos nosotros, aunque allí seguro que hará más frio, ya contarás como vas en invierno.

Esta es tu casa. Para lo que quieras ya sabes... icon_biggrin
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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 14:11   #3
Fecha Registro: ene 2006
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Bienvenido amigo. Creo que disfrutas igual que nosotros de la xmax si nos lo llegas a decir te enviamos la moto por correo que aqui te cuesta 3700€. un saludo y aqui estamos, no te digo nada de la Concentración de Xmax en españa porque me imagino que no podrás acercarte. icon_biggrin
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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 14:29   #4
Fecha Registro: sep 2006
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Thank you for your welcome!
Your´re right, it seems to be cheaper to go on holiday to spain and buy one xmax there icon_wink
I can imagine there are masses of xmaxes in Spain. In Germany scooters are not very popular yet. But that will change if the costs for fuel keep rising like last months!
Two weeks ago we paid 1,47 Euro for one Liter 95 octane fuel.
And yes, I will keep driving the xmax through the Winter and the snow. I will report any experiences.
The lowest temperature we had in the last weeks was about +7 degrees celsius. That was fine on the Xmax as it keeps the cold wind away from me.
On my old Honda Bali that was very freezy!


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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 14:31   #5
Fecha Registro: jul 2006
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Bienvenido al club Jatze!!!! Creo que te ocurre como a la mayoría, nos encanta nuestra X y cada día que pasa nos gusta más. El club ya está extendiendo su territorio, ahora ya llegamos a Alemania!!! icon_wink icon_wink icon_wink
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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 14:41   #6
Fecha Registro: ago 2006
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Willcomen o como se diga! I hope you to know that this year will be the last for the kaiser... jaja

Is in Germany some club of xmax? Wish to meet u more.

icon_wink Nice to meet you icon_wink
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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 15:45   #7
Fecha Registro: abr 2006
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Welcome Joerg, i have germany political family but zero of speak or write. Can you upload a fhoto with your x-max in a popular place of you homeplace?
In Spain de pacificblue color is not more popular , wins the black color in 125cc.
best regards.
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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 16:23   #8
Fecha Registro: sep 2006
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Hi again!

@mikekimi: This is called "Willkommen" in german, but yours wasn´t wrong. I understood it!
What do you mean with the last year for the kaiser? Which kaiser? There´s only one Kaiser I know in Germany: Franz Beckenbauer.

I don´t know if anyone except me in Germany drives an xmax. icon_question icon_eek
I´ve never seen one other xmax than my own one! icon_lol
I live outside the cities, maybe that is the reason why.
So I´ve searched the magazines and the Internet, but I couldn´t find a club. Only one common Maxi-scooter-club for all brands.
The xmax is available at the dealers since june 2006 in Germany, I think it´s just too new for a club and the popularity.
I tried out to build a forum for german x-max friends, but as you can see, there´s no other member than me:

@sonicar: I will upload a photo (or a few more) but first I have to take them. icon_biggrin
I don´t have any photos of my xmax. I will take them and they will come!
Do you want to see special things in the background like our landscape or the wineyards or wind power plants or what you want?
I wanted to buy the xmax in silver, but this had delivery time of 12 weeks! icon_eek
So I decided to take the blue one. But now I like it! It is really dark blue, and if the sun is shining you can see the glitter!


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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 20:11   #9
Fecha Registro: ago 2006
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The kaiser i'm talkin about is Schumi... which kaiser so?

Regards... icon_wink
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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 21:36   #10
Fecha Registro: jul 2006
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Bienevenido Jatze icon_wink

Es un placer recibir un nuevo mienbro en este caso de fuera de nuestras fronteras, eso quiere decir que entre todos y en especial colaboradores y admin's, se está haciendo un buen trabajo. Enhorabuena a todos y que disfrutes tu máquina X.

Saludetes y V'sss icon_smile
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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 22:54   #11
Fecha Registro: may 2006
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Welcome to our xmax club Joerg, we are going to be international !!!!!

I hope you enjoy your x-max, like we do!!!!

There is one thing "I love" from Germany, I´m a great fan of Alphaville, you know them ??? Great 80´s group, great voice!!!!

Best regards from Spain.
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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 23:13   #12
Fecha Registro: mar 2006
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Hallo Jatze,

Why do you write in english when at the first post you write the following:

Hi to all!
Sorry, I don´t speak or write any spanish.
That´s why I write in german.
Hopefully you understand me.

I am just wondering. I will write in english although I know a little german as i was born in Hessisch-Olderdorf. But better in english but more people will understand this on this forum.

I am not the owner of an X-max but I am the owner of a Malaguti Password 250 which has the same engine. I have joined this club as there is no Password 250 club as far as I know and I have enjoyed the first club ride a lot and I also love reading this forum.

Hope to see you seen in Barcelona with your X-max.

By the way I was on holiday in das Schwarzwald in the area of Freudenstadt and what a wonderful area for riding scooters and motorbikes.

Regards Andre
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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 23:30   #13
Fecha Registro: ago 2006
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madre mia cuanto guiri....
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Antiguo 07/09/2006, 23:49   #14
Fecha Registro: ago 2006
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Bienvenido desde tan lejos!

Portugal, Luxemburgo, Italia, Alemania, vaya nivel!

Atentos todos:
Estamos en septiembre...
Feria de la cerveza en Munich...
Gran Kedada para tomar un río de pintas
con Jatze de anfitrión icon_exclaim icon_relamer icon_relamer icon_relamer
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Antiguo 08/09/2006, 00:47   #15
Fecha Registro: abr 2006
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Hallo Jatze. I´m not interesting in something special but i have an idea:
Make a Photo archive of ours x-max in a rare places, others countrys, and famous locations around Europe. ¿Qué piensa la congragación de esto, os parece buena idea?.
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Antiguo 08/09/2006, 00:52   #16
Fecha Registro: ago 2006
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Genial, asi nos hacemos un calendario icon_rolleyes
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Antiguo 08/09/2006, 05:58   #17
Fecha Registro: jul 2006
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Hola a tod@s,

por mi fantástico, cuantos más lugares, X's y miembros conozcamos, mejor icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol

Buena idea, si señor.... icon_biggrin

Saludetes y V'sss

ps: ya puede ir pidiendo los vinilos del conejo para decorar su X como manda la tradición.
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Antiguo 08/09/2006, 07:24   #18
Fecha Registro: sep 2006
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Good morning to all!

@mikekimi: Of course I hope this will be the last year for him! I don´t like him as he is a very arrogant person. I´m a great fan of this spanish artist, Alonso! Right at the moment I think he is the best in the field and he makes less mistakes than anyone else of the drivers!

@Pedrox: I don´t like cerveza! I am living in a big wine platation area. So what do you thik that I like? icon_relamer But let me be your host... no problem.
I see you are living in Alicante. That´s where my parents spent their holidays a few times. Friends of our Family own a house there.

@they aveenhuysen: I´m very sorry, I wanted to write "That´s why I write in English". Your place of bith is Hessisch Oldendorf? Thats close to Osnabrück, which is 400 km away from me. I don´t think that you see me in Barcelona with my xmax, but maybe without! I have been a few times near Barcelona for work. In La Roca del Valles.

@jam23: I know Alphaville very well as I was grown up with their music. Im 35 years old. And I also own the "Best of Alphaville" Album.


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Antiguo 08/09/2006, 08:30   #19
Fecha Registro: abr 2006
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LEt's talk about our X-max.
HAve you already experienced that terrible noise in the front part of your x_max that suffer all spanish owners? I mean something like a big "TOC" "TOC".

Oh, sorry I forgot to say "Welcome"
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Antiguo 08/09/2006, 10:35   #20
Fecha Registro: feb 2006
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Hey Jatze,

Main is not that far from Luxembourg where I live at the moment. You should have come here to get your xmax as i paid 3700 (also with the hands protection thingy)... well, anyway you already got it.

It's true that in "center Europe" (apart from France) scooters and maxi - scooters are not very popular, they just go directly to the ducati and bmw thing (here in lux is even "worse" they have bimotas and mvaugustas) and normaly people only use them half of the year, i guess that is kind of normal given the shity weather (7° this morning).

Well, welcome to the club and maybe we can meet sometime in the future. I go sometimes to Trier because there is a wonderful motorbike shop over there, that would be the first International Xmax meeting!! jeje

Take care
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Antiguo 08/09/2006, 12:56   #21
Fecha Registro: sep 2006
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Yes, of course I have recognized that bad noise. My xmax gets the 1000km service next week and then I´ll ask them to find a solution.
There are further points that I worry about: The front wheel seems to be unbalanced, the tire is not exactly round. I have seen that by turning the front wheel by hand. This causes a "jumpy" feeling while driving between 55 and 70 km/h.
And there´s a mounting bracket to hold the rear fender, made out of metal. This seems to become a little rusty right now, after 6 weeks (!).
But all these things don´t reduce the fun with this vehicle for me.

@Toncho: So do you speak Letzebuergian? icon_biggrin
I travel to Luxembourg many times a year. My Girlfriend´s roots and their famils lives near Saarbrücken (sarrebruck) and every time we visit them I cross the border to fill my empty fuel tank. icon_biggrin
This is in Schengen or in Remich, if you know that.
I also have a Friend living near Trier (welschbillig). I visit him some times a year. The distance to the Lux. border is 190 km from my home.
I would be glad if we could meet one day, but I don´t think I can bring my xmax with me. icon_sad We are always going by car to the Lux. border as my Girlfriend doesn´t like riding the scoot. She´s really afraid of it! icon_eek
And because of my own weight I may not carry a second adult person on the scoot. icon_redface

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Antiguo 08/09/2006, 13:05   #22
Fecha Registro: abr 2006
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Maybe Yamaha pay any attention to you in germany. At the moment yamaha is not taking any notice about this serious problem in Spain.

TOC TOC. Who is knocking?

No answer.
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