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Antiguo 16/03/2020, 09:29   #1
Fecha Registro: mar 2020
Mensajes último año: 0
SmilePoint último año: 0
Reputación último año: 0
icon Hola

Hola a todos !!! icon_biggrin
Te deseo un buen dia icon_smile icon_smile

The most important thing on motorcycle is to take care of rider's safety. The right outfit will protect rider against accident. But what is protect rider from strong gusts of wind or gusts while overtaking trucks ? Motorcycle windshield is what in these situations are protecting rider. One of simpliest and cheapiest thing to change in motorcycle is motorcycle windshield but also this is one of the most important thing that you can change yourself very fast ! Check offer of our motorcycle windshields and wind deflectors and get set ready your bike for new season !!! icon_biggrin icon_biggrin
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Antiguo 22/03/2020, 20:42   #2
Fecha Registro: abr 2008
Mensajes último año: 0
SmilePoint último año: 0
Reputación último año: 0

Bienvenido. icon_wink
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