19/03/2012, 15:50 | #1 |
qué útil es el ipad
estos cacharros modernos hacen tantas cosas...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fChTTf4Ogp4&feature=related AQUÍ EL AUDIO EN UN IDIOMA ENTENDIBLE: Daughter: So...Daddy, I havnt even asked you, how do you get along with the new Ipad, which we gave you to your birthday? Father: Good! Daughter: and you can figure it out with those apps? Father: which apps? could you move alittle? Father: .. what? |
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19/03/2012, 16:54 | #2 |
Al iPad le falta algo, por ejemplo, un teclado: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/417634_10150669965653360_290539813359_9078059_1979158857_n.jpg
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19/03/2012, 19:06 | #6 | |
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